Sunday, March 7, 2010

In The Beginning...

I used to have a livejournal when I was 18. It was eventually deleted after having forgotten about it for a few years. It would be fun to look at the day to day events in my life, but for the most part I am relieved that all of the crushes, heartbreak, and general dumbassedness has been wiped clean. Those are not years that I am particularly proud of.

I was just remembering that I texted someone once, a boy, "come get me". It must have been two in the morning. He was far, far away, no idea exactly where. I didn't know him very well and I don't know him at all anymore. He wrote back "where are you?" We always had a connection that pulled us toward one another. At least, I was always pulled toward him and he always seemed to be waiting for me. The last time I saw him, the spell was broken. I still check up on him now and again, to see where he is in life. But I like to remember what it feels like to find someone that gives you that rush of fear and joy. I wrote in my old journal hoping that he would keep needing me and for a long time he did.

Well, it's seven years later. I'm 25. I have just moved back to New York after a two year hiatus. I am slowly going insane, so I needed an outlet to discuss, with myself I guess, what is going on in my life. I am in fashion school which has turned out to be my own personal hell. My apartment is uncomfortable and I have a tense relationship with my roommates. My friends, boyfriend, and even my dad are sick of hearing me complain. So I figure with a journal, maybe I can stop verbalizing it. This might also stop me from internalizing how hurt I am that no one wants to hear me talk about my depression. I think you can learn to live with things. As long as you know when to ask for help, you can learn to live with anything.

I went to church this morning. It's off 15th st. I haven't been to a Quaker church in years. It's never weird to go to a Quaker church for the first time. No one pays any attention to you. They all have their eyes closed in prayer. I haven't sat down and had a real talk with God in quite some time, so you'd think I would have a lot to say, a laundry list of sorts, but no. At the midpoint I was praying to God to make a clock appear in my head to see if it was over yet. An hour in silence is a long, long time. It was good for me though. I felt good today. When I pray, I feel like can clearly react to things. I need to join a Bible study to make any steps forward. I used to be able to read the Bible on my own and it would open for me like I had the key. Now I hardly have the attention span to read it at all. I left California without a Bible. I have to pull it up on the internet. What kind of Christian am I? Natalie, my best friend, asked me today if I hear God when I pray. I do. I also told her that it took a really long time before I heard God. I did all the talking for at least 6 months. Maybe a year.

My roommate has her friend over and they are cackling upstairs. This apartment has paper thin walls. My nerves are on edge. I need to go to sleep. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow. Great.


  1. In the beginning, saith God, there was absolutely nthn... so begins the Bible, dear. We should believe in both creationism AND evolution, brudda - they go handNhand if you ask this sinfull mortal. And why not??? If God made the universe, He also made our teeny-weeny earth; thus, if He made the earth, dont you think He let it develop into the mess we see today?? Mama mia. Ai carumba!!!

    Thus, trustNjesus, precious, imperishable goirly-whirly.
    Meet me Upstairs.
    Let's getta Big-Ol beer...
    gotta lotta tok about.

  2. In the beginning, saith God, there was absolutely nthn... so begins the Bible, dear. We should believe in both creationism AND evolution, brudda - they go handNhand if you ask this sinfull mortal. And why not??? If God made the universe, He also made our teeny-weeny earth; thus, if He made the earth, dont you think He let it develop into the mess we see today?? Mama mia. Ai carumba!!!

    Thus, trustNjesus, precious, imperishable goirly-whirly.
    Meet me Upstairs.
    Let's getta Big-Ol beer...
    gotta lotta tok about.
